Hello there, it’s been quiet around here, thought I should
answer a few questions people ask me about my works.
A lot of time I get calls and messages asking me about the
stories I featured on this blog if they are true life stories? how do I get
them? e.t.c… well, the answer is YES, the stories on my blog are based on true
life events in my life and those friends whom I seek their permission to write
and share this story with you my readers.
I believe these stories would inspire you as they also inspire me in my
trying moments…and also give some hope if you are passing through the same
situation. The Identity of these people are kept hidden and the names used in
my writings are fictitious and a coincidence if they bear semblance with any
other person out there.
Once again I must thank all my friends who share their
experiences for nothing but the hope that someone would be inspired in the end,
and those of you who stop by to read and comment. God bless.
Should you choose to share your story with us, send us a
mail at
with your name, contact information and your story. In addition indicate your
consent to have us publish your story.
that said y'all have a great weekend and watch out for "THE JOURNEY" .
that said y'all have a great weekend and watch out for "THE JOURNEY" .
look forward to your mails * smiles*