Asabe she said, “The journey home was the longest journey in my life, as I stared through the window at the moving trees and savanna, the tears kept rolling down. As much I tried to control my emotion, my heart was sore broken, the woman beside me noticed and asked me what was wrong?, she tried to console me and said I should see it as God’ will and other passengers on the coach tried too, at least their words kept me calm though I was filled with despair”. But the thought of Mums yelling and disappointment made me more scared, and that my mates had left me behind got the better part of me, I couldn’t think why God dealt me this terrible blow. Laughing she said “the journey finally ended.” 
On getting home, Francesca’s parents were surprised to see her, she narrated the event, and her mama was so upset with the height of her carelessness, much to her surprise her dad was so calm. Still feeling down, a week later she went back to school and did what she was told to. She got herself busy and quickly got over the sad feeling and the never ending question of neighbors. 
Days rolled to weeks and to months and it was time for the next batch, and she was posted to Kaduna only then did she remember the man at the camp in Jigawa, she wondered if he did it, because she didn’t get his contact or collect his name. Excited that Kaduna was closer home and she had friends there, she was posted to a missionary secondary school after the orientation camp. She said “Asabe, I enjoyed my service year in Kaduna, and when I think of what happened at Jigawa and now, sobbing she said I’m glad it happened that way”. As with everything that has a beginning, the end of service year came armed with new experience and friendships….Francesca went back home, in search of opportunities.
Months later a friend she served with called her up with an offer not far from where they served, she went for the interview and got the job and moved back to Kaduna. Learning the ropes of her new job with her colleagues, she noticed a young man smiling at her in the office, shrugging off the thought, he got friendly and he was sending nice sms, gifts, sharing jokes with her….soon Francesca was thinking about him…like they say the rest history...showing me her engagement ring and smiling she said “Asabe he is so sweet, If you see Dubi tell him thanks for disappointing me”. Of course I won’t deliver the message to Dubi, sorry I was caught up in the story forgot to tell you Dubi was her ex from d university.
As I sat in the bus on my way from work thinking about francessca’s call earlier in the day about her wedding date and plans , It sounds funny that God could be in her odd situation, or careless action. I hope this encourages someone who believes in God, that he is an expert in troubled waters. 


  1. GOD is really and truly awesome

  2. Wow! an awesome story which reveals how God works everything out for the good of them, who love him and are called according to his purpose. Asabe i pray for more grace and wisdom as you inspire and encourage people with real life issues.Kudos.

  3. what can i say? all things happen to us for our good if only we could look deep and bring out positivity from every negative things that happens to us. God is always a fixer. he knows us and what is goo for us more than we can ever imagine. nice piece.

  4. Great story telling, kept me spell bound. why was Francesca shrugging off the thought na? *wink*
    Isaiah 55:8-9
    8 “For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
    neither are your ways my ways,”
    declares the Lord.
    9 “As the heavens are higher than the earth,
    so are my ways higher than your ways
    and my thoughts than your thoughts.

  5. Truly nice script... wow... nice!

  6. Nice pix also... we finally know who asabe is

  7. Very inspiring story! They say all's well that ends well. Sometimes God orchestrates adversity our way to take us to a bigger and better place than we would ever have achieved without it. May the Lord who sees the big picture, strengthen us in trying times and order our steps aright.
    Great writing too I must say Asabe. Kudos!


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