My darling,

          You are one amongst many, You are the present truth of a dream from long ago.
                   Heaven smiled on me the day i met you.   
                  The beauty of your kindness is irresistible, 
                  your compassion toward the weak is undeniable. 
        Like rain waters the earth, the fragrance of you brings cheer to my heart, 

for your words bring strength and in your care is safety. 
                          your devotion drowns my pride.
                    At times when the bulls in us are raging,                               I'm humbled by the bowing heads for the supremacy of Peace.  
 And through your eyes i see the rainbow of a brighter tomorrow, 
     through the high and low waters, till wrinkle and gray days.
      for all you are and all you do, i give my love and laughter.

                                                                       All of me.


  1. Hey y'all, sorry I've been MIA for a while, a lot work and acada things to handle, but I missed u all, thanks to all those who kept checking on me. I certainly missed doing this, but I hope u enjoy the piece above.

  2. Very Nice! Keep it coming...

  3. Beautiful write up. Short and exquisite.

  4. your devotion drowns my pride? Hmmm, I would think his devotion should uplift you and give you pride and joy? Hence love should be giving and receiving.Have you ever been loved? I bet you have been loved so much and so deeply that you have become blasé about the enormity of the grace it confers.

    To be loved is a privilege and prize equivalent to being born. If you're smart, you pause regularly to bask in the astonishing knowledge that there are many people out there who care for you and want you to thrive and hold you in their thoughts with fondness.

    Animals, too: You have been the recipient of their boundless affection. The spirits of allies who've left this world continue to send their tender regards, as well.

    Do you "believe" in angels and other divine beings? Whether or not you do, I can assure you that there are hordes of them beaming their uncanny consecrations your way. You are awash in torrents of love.

    As tremendous a gift it is to get love, giving love is an equal boon. Many scientific studies demonstrate that whenever you bestow blessings on other people, you bless yourself. Expressing practical compassion not only strengthens your immune system and bolsters your health, but also promotes self-esteem, enhances longevity, and stimulates tranquility and even euphoria.

    As the scientists say, we humans are hardwired to benefit from altruism. (Read more about the subject.)

    What's your position on making love? Do you regard it as one of the nicer fringe benefits of being alive? Or are you more inclined to see it as a central proof of the primal magnanimity of the universe? I'm more aligned with the latter view.

  5. Lovely piece!!!

  6. its such a lovely and captivating piece!!! Good to have you back in action.

  7. Am touched, other people's actions shouldn't shut us up on how we feel ,it's the ultimate healing pills and if you get same love in return it is priceless

  8. @ Anonymous i meant negative pride, yes i believe in divine beings.


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