Hanging out with buddies is always a good time for me. Nikki is one of my best buddy’s, whom our history spans as far back as primary school. Being that he is new in town, every moment we meet seems like catch up time and the conversation always seems to beg for more time. When I bumped into him, He was on his system doing a few things, so I asked what he was doing he said he was gathering some materials for a friend. He said I ran into a college class mate a few days ago and he talked about an exam he wrote and how he met other class mates.
 He said in particular I saw Hillary, with excitement he asked about him and he replied he didn’t look good. He said things didn’t quite pan out well for Hillary like we thought it would, having graduated with a first class
degree in Electrical Engineering. Nikki said I just felt so sad for him, from what I was told Hillary’s post service year was marked by botched interviews, journeys to places and nothing seemed to be working having tried hard and sent several applications, his many struggles continued, eventually it got him a teaching job in a secondary school on the outskirts of town, which he patched up with. And I was deeply touched by the story as it made me reflect a bit, because it’s been 3 years since they finished service.

Nikki said guess what?? I answered what? Hillary called me today, and said he got a fully funded international scholarship and he was going to the same school I went to last year and was asking me for some information about the school and studies there. He continues to say, a few days after the scholarship award letter arrived, one of the several applications he sent and was interviewed for that went quiet, suddenly woke up and called him to come pick up his appointment letter. “WOW” I exclaimed that is good. 

Nikki says sometimes God is funny, when you think he has forgotten you, he surprises you in ways that make up for all the supposed lost time. By the end of the somewhat sober gist we were both laughing, I said God never forgets anyone even if people do. Sometimes in our life the challenges we face, that seem to linger long leave us thinking if God cares about us, let alone remembers we exist or are we doomed? when would this end?
The events vary and questions are many. After reading this you might wonder when would God remember me? you are not alone in that thought, even Hillary felt that way too. Whatever be the case, Hillary’s story is a clear example that you are not forgotten. and on this special day, I’m reminded that Nigeria is not forgotten either.


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